Best SEO Guide for Blockchain Companies

If you run a website or are just getting started with a crypto pr firm project, chances are you’ve read about the benefits of implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics to attract new visitors and keep them coming back. This article includes details about choosing the right keywords, creating useful content, and managing your online reputation. By following these simple tips, you can attract more visitors and build brand awareness in your target market.

1) Meta Tags

This might seem like an old-school tip, but we’d be remiss not to include it. Make sure your meta description tags on each page of your site are well written and keyword-rich.

Google will use these descriptions to display snippets on search engine results pages and even social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. That means if you want someone to click on one of your links, you have to make sure they know what they’re going to get before they click. Meta tags are also important because they help Google rank your site higher in its results if those tags accurately describe a link’s content.

2) Description Tag

The description tag is important because it allows you to tell search engines why your content is relevant and what users should expect from it. Don’t simply repeat keywords that are in your title tag, though. Instead, make a brief statement that offers a preview of what visitors will find when they arrive at your page.

This can increase click-through rates because visitors can more easily decide if they like what they see without having to visit your page. In addition, Google will determine how much text on each page of your site is visible through its Page Layout algorithm and use these cues as a ranking factor.

3) Header Tags

Google is often called a spider because of its ability to read and crawl web pages. To do that, Google needs something known as header tags. The HTML header is found at the beginning of a page and it tells search engines what information should be included in what order when indexing that page. Think of header tags as an instruction manual telling Google how to crawl your site. 

4) Image Alt Tags

alt tags provide valuable information, but most search engines can’t read images. However, they can read text attached to images. So, if you attach SEO tips to a photo of a tree and then use that image in your site’s content, search engines will be able to crawl that text and understand what it’s about (after all, it’s SEO advice!). Make sure you have appropriate alt tags on every image.

5) Importance of Keyword Research

You can do keyword research using tools like Google AdWords, but there are some useful free keyword research tools as well. Here are some free resources: Keyword Explorer, Overture Search Term Tool, and Wordtracker. Using these services should help you uncover valuable keywords to include in your content.

6) Link Building

Google places great emphasis on inbound links from authoritative websites, and any site that wants to rank high in search results will benefit from attracting high-quality backlinks.

This can seem like an uphill battle because it’s hard to know where to look or who to approach for these coveted links, but a little planning and research goes a long way toward making sure you get off on the right foot with your link-building efforts.

Here are some ways blockchain companies can attract high-quality backlinks:

  • Find sites related to your niche. If you’re a business that provides solutions for crypto investors, finding sites related to cryptocurrency investing would be a good place to start looking for potential sources of quality backlinks. You could also reach out directly if there are specific sites related to crypto trading or investing that already rank well in search engines and don’t have many outbound links yet. 
  • Getting a new link from one of these authority sites could provide a big boost for your rankings across multiple keywords and phrases as soon as they’re published online.
  • Of course, make sure not all of your outbound links point only at authority sites – it’s important to mix things up between relevant industry blogs, directories, forums, and other valuable content sources as well!

7) Social Media Integration

Social media integration is no longer a nice-to-have; it’s essential to blockchain company success. Both famous social networks Facebook and Twitter are owned by private companies that don’t directly profit from user engagement with blockchain companies, but there are two reasons they deserve your attention:

(1) They provide an efficient way to share content and make announcements without paying a third party.

(2) They can make out a real-life connection with your targeted clients.

8) Video Marketing

While you might think of your business as primarily a text or image-based one, it’s important to consider how much of an impact video can have on marketing efforts. Today, consumers have come to expect quality content and high-quality production in all forms of marketing.

Adding videos to your marketing campaign can help drive home a message, humanize your brand and bring you closer to current and potential customers.

The step involved here is figuring out what type of video will work best with your marketing needs—how long should it be? What type of content do you want to upload? Once you’ve figured that out, don’t skip any steps in creating an effective piece that will draw people in from start to finish.


Blockchain companies are growing in popularity and we’re starting to see them pop up on the internet more and more as of late. This list of 8 SEO tips will help your company dominate the blockchain industry by teaching you how to master search engine optimization (SEO). 


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